Hello and Welcome to Atlas

Atlas is a publishing platform for writing, reading, collaborating, and learning. Thank you for visting our site.

Some Questions You Might Have

Q. What can I do here?

A. You can read digital books, watch videos, learn from interactive code examples and demos, test your knowledge with exercises, and make comments. You’ll notice that some projects can be forked from their source files on GitHub. If there’s something you’d like to change or add to a project, send us a pull request. We’ll review it and, assuming it looks okay, merge it in.

Q. Can I share links from this site?

A. Please do! You’ll notice as you scroll down a page that the URL updates to reflect the section that you’re seeing. We’ve added this feature so that you can more easily share and comment on specific sections of the text.

Q. I thought Atlas was an authoring platform. Has something changed?

A. You are looking at the reading environment of the overall platform. The authoring environment is currently in closed beta for O’Reilly Media authors and select partners. As the platform evolves in the coming months, we expect to make the authoring environment available more generally.

Q. Do I have to register?

A. Currently, you need to create an account and log in only in the event that you wish to make a comment. However, we encourage you to register so that we can occasionally contact you as the site grows and new fetures are added.

Q. How can I make a comment?

A. (1) You must create an account and log in. (2) Toggle on the commenting functionality in the navigational bar at the top of each page. ( 3) Click on a block of text to add a comment.

Q. Why is the URL to this site http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/?

A. Chimera is the codename we used internally while creating this site. We expect the URL will change as the platform matures.

Q. Will all content always be free?

A. Probably not. As the site grows and we add more and different types of material, we’ll aim to offer a rich balance of free and paid content.

Q. I’m interested in writing and publishing to Atlas. How can I contact you?

A. We’d love to hear from you. Please enter your email address at atlas.labs.oreilly.com and we'll be in touch.